1. ①此处提到法国国歌——《马赛曲》的副歌:“武装起来,同胞们/把队伍组织好/前进 前进/用肮脏的血/做肥田的粪料! ①ThereferenceistotherefrainofLaMarseillaise,the French national anthem: “To arms, citizens, / form your battalions, / let’s march, let’s march! / Let an impure blood / water our fur- rows!”

  2. ②在法国,“relay”这个词可以在火车站与飞机场附近的报纸杂志铺、书籍和便利店四处可见,它的意思是中继站。而这个词语事实上是法语词“relais”的英语化过程中的变形,初期仅仅特指马匹中转站。 ②InFrance,Relayisawell-knownchainofnewspaper,mag- azine, book, and convenience stores, which are located primarily in train stations and airports. The word Relay is an Anglicized variation of the French word relais, which originally referred to a way station for changing horses.

  3. ③舍赫在此提到了他早期的书《人类再生》,其中有对于本书中提到的许多问题的深入探讨。 ③Series is referring to his earlier book Hominescence(Paris: Le Pommier, 2001), which developed in more detail many of the analyses presented in Thumbelina.

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