

毫无疑问,面对这些突变,我们需要发明未被想象的新奇事物,以远远跳出那些将我们的行为、媒体与项目格式化的过时框架,所有这些都被淹没在景观社会中。 在我看来,我们现在的制度正如发出黯淡光泽的遥远星座,它们早已被天文学家宣布死亡了。 Faced with these mutations, we no doubt need to be inventing unimaginable novelties, far outside the obsolete frame- works that still format our behaviors, our medias, and our projects—all of which are being drowned in the society of the spectacle. I see our current institutions sparkling with a light that is similar to the light of distant constellations, which astronomers have taught us have long been dead.

这些创新为何仍未到来? 我不知是否应指责哲学家(我便是其中之一),虽然他们的职业正是是预期知识与实践,但在我看来,他们的任务失败了。因为他们专注于日常的政治,却未察觉到当代的到来。 Why have these innovations not taken place? I hesitate to accuse philosophers (I consider myself to be one of them), although their vocation is to anticipate the knowledges and practices to come, and it seems to me that they have failed in this task. Preoccupied with day-to-day politics, they have not perceived the arrival of the contemporary.

如果我试图勾画一个普通大人的肖像(我自认为是其中之一),我的样子将不那么讨人喜欢。我很希望再回到十八岁,回到拇指姑娘和拇指男孩的年龄,因为这个年龄一切都将被重置,一切均有待被发明。 If I had tried to sketch a general portrait of adults (I also consider myself to be one of them), my profile would have been much less flattering. I would like to be eighteen years old, the age of Thumbelina and Tom Thumb, since everything has to be redone, everything still needs to be invented.

我希望生活给我足够的时间与拇指姑娘和拇指男孩并肩工作,因为我一直都恭敬地爱着他们,并愿意为之奉献我的一生。 I hope that life leaves me enough time to work on this, side by side with Thumbelina and Tom Thumb, to whom I have dedicated my life because I have always respectfully loved them.


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