创新:获取之便捷已经被提供给了拇指姑娘,也给了整个世界,他们的口袋填满了知识,就在他们的智能手机里。 The innovation: the ease of access that has been given to Thumbelina, and to the entire world, their pockets filled with all the knowledge in their smart phones.

他们的身体终于能离开洞穴了,在洞穴中,注意力、静谧和他们佝偻的脊背曾像锁链一样把他们绑在椅子上。 Their bodies can finally leave the cave, where attention, silence, and their curved spines once bound them to their chairs like chains.

即使我们强迫他们再回去,我们也不能在他们的椅子上静静端坐了。他们已经,正如他们所说,受到了干扰。 Even if we force them to go back, we can no longer sit still in their seats. They have become, as they say, disruptive.

不。报告厅的空间之前被设计为力场,其管弦乐声的地心引力中心是舞台,其焦点位于讲台,后者着实可称为“发力点”。 The space of the lecture hall was designed as a field of forces whose orchestral center of gravity was the stage, with its focal point at the lectern, which was literally apower point.

那时,场域之中是高密度的知识,而外沿几乎什么都没有。 What was situated there was the heavy density of knowledge, which scarcely existed on the periphery.

现在,知识到处分布,在一个均匀、去中心化的空间自由移动。 Now, knowledge is distributed everywhere, moving freely in a homogeneous and decentered space.

往昔的教室已经死了,哪怕我们依然可以到处看到教室,哪怕它们是我们唯一知道怎么建造的东西,哪怕景观社会依然试图把教室强加给我们。 The classrooms of yesteryear are dead, even if we still see classrooms everywhere, even if they are the only thing we know how to build, even if the society of the spectacle is still trying to inflict them upon us.

不过现在身体被启动了。 But bodies have now been set in motion.

他们满场转,比手画脚,给彼此打电话、问问题,心甘情愿地交换各自在智能手机里的发现。 They circulate, they gesticulate, they call and question each other, and they willingly exchange what they have found in their smart phones.

聊天取代肃静了吗?或者,扰乱取代静止了吗? Has chatting replaced silence, or have disruptions replaced immobility?

没有。拇指姑娘曾经是阶下囚,她现在只是从千年枷锁中解放了自己。枷锁把她束缚在座位上,让她动弹不得,保持安静,闭紧嘴巴,牢牢钉死在她自己的位置。 No. Once a prisoner, Thumbelina has simply freed herself from the thousand-year-old chains that shackled her to her seat, immobile and silent, mouth closed, firmly in her place.

王晓芬:能带宠物狗狗一起上学——德国柏林成人教育学校(Schule für Erwachsenenbildung e.V.),也被称为“柏林叛逆高中”(Berlin Rebel High School)

我是通过今年第二十届上海国际电影节展映了解到这所特殊学校的。纪录片导演 Alexander Kleider 正是这所学校的毕业生。虽然按照德语名翻译成中文后变成“成人教育学校”(缩写为SFE),听起来像我们的夜大或者继续教育学院,但两者却非常不同。SFE是帮助人们完成中学教育或通过 Abitur 考试的(通过Abi考试即可获取大学申请资格)。SFE的学生们大多是对常规中学教育或求学环境的不满才选择来到SFE。有个穿环、染发的朋克女孩,说她在原来的学校时,因为自己着装怪异而常常被老师无端针对,相反,在SFE,她可以带着自己的宠物狗来上课。而在SFE的课堂上,学生们的需求也被最大程度地满足。老师会询问学生对课程进度、作业安排的意见。影片中就记录到一位学生在课堂上质疑任课老师,会否过多照顾缺课学生而导致教学进度滞后,并提出了自己的建议。这个话题随后即引起了另外几位学生的进一步讨论,有人反对,有人支持,每个人都可、也愿意各抒己见。这就是SFE的民主教学氛围。哪怕在教育体系已十分多样化的德国,这样的教学方式也是另类的,导演在映后谈上说,保守主义者听完这所学校的办学方式往往会在点头赞赏时又推诿“太过理想主义”,言下之意就是不切实际,不可能实现。但是这所柏林学校恰恰真实存在,存在了四十多年。所以导演更加感到自己要把它拍出来,证明给所有人看,这种另类教学并没那么乌托邦,是切实可行的。看这部纪录片时,我总是想起舍赫在“身体的解放”这一节里的描述,后来伺机向导演本人推荐了这本书。

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