拇指姑娘记得,有一回她住在一家大医院。医生进门时不敲门,后面跟着一伙人,就好像占据主导地位的男性,后面顺从地跟着女性们(动物模型很难避免)。 She also remembers her stay at a large hospital. The doctor entered her room without knocking, followed, like a dominant male, by submissive females (the model of animals is hard to avoid).

医生对着其他人滔滔不绝,背对着拇指姑娘,后者只能躺在床上,承受自己被视为无能者的推定。 He gratified his herd with a high-flying discourse, while turning his back on Thumbelina, who lay in bed and received the presumption of incompetence.

就像在学校,或在工作。粗暴地说,我们可以说拇指姑娘被视为一个低能者。“imbecile”(低能者),来自于拉丁语“imbecillus”,指跛脚者,也就是缺乏手杖(bacillus)来支撑站立的人。 Just like at school, or at work. Put crudely, we could say she was treated like an imbecile. Theimbecile, from the Latin imbecillus, is a lame person, someone who lacks a staff (bacillus) to hold himself up.


Upright and healed, Thumbelina proclaims the good news, like a new version of Oedipus’s riddle: the more time advances, the less humanity needs this staff as its third leg.It can stand on its own two feet.


Listen. Public hospitals in our great cities have parking areas for wheelchairs and gurneys: for emergencies; before and after an MRI or other forms of scanning; before an operation, for anesthesia; afterward, for the recovery.

患者可以在这些区域等待一到六个小时。 Patients can wait in these areas from one to six hours.

对科学家,对世界上富有的和强大的人,我想说:不要逃避这些地方。 To scientists, to the rich and powerful of the world, I say: Do not avoid these places.

你会听到痛苦、怜悯、愤怒、绝望、眼泪、有时候会有祷告、激怒、恳求(那些不打电话的人)、憎恨(没有回应的人)、沮丧、警告和大多数人的感激。 You will hear suffering, pity, anger, despair, tears, sometimes prayer, exasperation, the supplications of those who call out to those who do not call out and who deplore the absence of a response, the tense silence of some, the alarm of others, the resignation of most, and gratitude as well.

那些从来没有为这个不和谐的音乐会添加过声音的人,一定知道他们正在受苦,但是他们永远都不会知道“我们正在受苦”是指从这个死亡前庭所产生的共同悲哀,每个人都害怕的中间炼狱,只能希望能够从命运中得到缓解。 Those who have never had to add their voice to this dissonant concert no doubt know they are suffering, but they will never know what “we are suffering” means, the shared lamentation that emanates from this antechamber of death, an intermediate purgatory that everyone dreads, and where one can only hope for a reprieve from fate.

如果你曾问自己,“什么是人性?” If you have ever asked yourself the question, “What is humanity?”

那它就在这里,在这个安静的骚动中,你会收到、学到也有可能给予回应。在听到这个之前,甚至是哲学家也有可能会忽略这点共鸣。 it is here, in the midst of this quiet tumult, that you will receive, learn, and perhaps even give the response. Until he hears this, even a philosopher is literally absent-minded.

这是噪音的深度,是人们的声音在我们的话语和喋喋不休之下的窃窃私语。 Such is the noise of the depths, the human voice that murmurs beneath our discourses and chatter.


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