我思:我的想法不同于知识,也不同于如记忆、想象力、演绎推理、辨别、几何等已被外化的过程与理解。它们同突触与神经元一起,被存储在电脑里。此外,当我使自己与这种知识或理解保持一段距离时,在它们与自己间分一道隔阂,我将能更好地思考与发明。 .Cogito: my thinking is distinguished from knowledge, and from the various processes of understanding—memory, imagination, deductive reason, discernment, geometry—that have been externalized, along with synapses and neurons, in the computer. Moreover, I can think and invent better if I keep this knowledge or understanding at a distance from myself, if I open up a gap between it and myself.


我成为了一种空虚,一种令人羡慕的空气,一个灵魂——一个被翻译成“风”的词。我以一种比客观化“柔”更柔软的方式思考。如果我能达到这种虚空的状态,我就可以发明。请不要从我的头颅、其中密集的填充与单一的认知外形去识别我了,而是从它非物质的缺失,它在斩首后遗留的透明之光来辨别我。从这种虚无中辨别我。 I become this emptiness, this impalpable air, thissoul—a word that translates this “wind.” I think in a way that is softer than this objectivized softness. I can invent if I manage to reach this emptiness. I can no longer be recognized by my head, or by the density of what fills it, or by its singular cognitive profile, but rather by its immaterial absence, by the transparent luminosity that lingers after its decapitation. By this nothingness.

如果蒙田已试图澄清一个头脑可以被如何神奇地制作,他定也想过如何填补斩首后的间隙,重新将头再安回到脖子上。如果今天我们一定要描述这个虚空的头颅的话,它其实是离开我们掉进电脑里了。不,我们不能为了换个头就砍掉原来的头。在面对这种空虚时,我们是无法感到焦虑的。我们要保持坚强,继续前进。 If Montaigne had tried to elucidate the ways a head could be marvelously made, he would have been thinking of a compartment to be filled and would have returned to the idea of a full head. If we were to describe this empty head today, it would fall outside of us in the computer. No, we cannot cut off one head simply to replace it with another. We cannot experience anxiety when faced with this emptiness. Keep going, be strong.

知识及其形式,理解及其方法,这些浩如烟海的细节与精彩的概况都被我们的前辈像宝贝似的保存在页脚注释和书籍文献目录里,他们总是指责我们忽略了这些细节。然而所有的这一切,都在圣德尼施刑者的一刀之下,落入了电子盒子里。令人奇怪地,近乎本能地,自我从这个坠落里抽身,飘入虚空,落入了它纯白无辜的无用之中。 Knowledge and its formats, understanding and its methods—not to mention the infinite details and admirable syntheses that my predecessors amassed like protective armor in footnotes at the bottom of their pages, and in massive bibliographies at the end of their books, and which they have accused me of omitting—all this, in the wake of the sword cut of St. Denis’ torturers, has fallen into the electronic box. Strangely, quasi-instinctively, theegorecoils from this fall, from this leap into the void, into its white and innocent nullity.

思维的主体已经改变了。那些活跃在断颈的白光中的神经元已经不同于先辈脑袋中书写与阅读的神经元了,它们现在驱动着计算机。 The subject of thinking has changed. The neurons activated in the white fire of the cut neck differ from those that writing and reading activated in the heads of their predecessors, and which now drive the computer.

因此出现了新型的理解自主,与之相应的是不受拘束肢体动作和嘈杂之声。 Hence the new autonomy of our understanding, which finds its complement in corporeal movements without constraint and a brouhaha of voices.


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