传授什么?当然是知识咯! .What to transmit? Knowledge!

直到近期,知识的载体是智者,他们就好像一个讲故事者或是吟游诗人。教育家们就好像一幢幢活的图书馆。 Until fairly recently, the support of knowledge was the body of the knower, such as a storyteller or a bard. The body of the pedagogue was itself a living library.

然而,渐渐地,知识正在走向客体化,起初它们被记载在卷轴或碎片或羊皮纸上,以文字为载体;随后,在文艺复兴时期,书本成批印刷出来,印刷成为知识的载体;最后,在现代的网络时代,知识以信息为载体。 Gradually, however, knowledge became objectivized, first in scrolls or on pieces of vellum or parchment, which were the supports of writing; then, during the Renaissance, in books made out of paper, which found their support in the printing press; and finally, today, on the web, which is the support of email messages and information.

以信息化为载体这个历史性的变革正是评估当今教育功能的最大变数。 The historical evolution of the support-message couple is a good variable by which to assess the function of teaching.

教育至少已经经历了三次变革——借助文字书写,古希腊人发明了教育;印刷术出现后,教科书激增。那么今天呢? Teaching has changed, rather suddenly, at least three times. With writing, the Greeks invented paideia; after the printing press, treatises on pedagogy proliferated. Today?

我重复一下问题。要传授什么?知识吗?现在这些东西网上全有,所有人都可以去获得几乎任何知识。传授给每个人?可是网上的知识早已向所有人公开。如何去传授知识?网络已经替我们办了这件事了! I repeat. What to transmit? Knowledge? It is already available and objectivized on the web. Transmit it to everyone? Knowledge is already accessible to everyone. How to transmit it? Done!

想要找人,可以用手机,想要找一个地方,那就用GPS,知识向所有人敞开大门。从某种角度来说,知识已经无处不在并且被传授完了。 With access to people through cell phones, and access to places through GPS, access to knowledge is now open. In a certain manner, it has already been transmitted, always and everywhere.

知识被客体化了,但更重要的是被分散化了,它不再是集中的。 Objectivized, certainly, but more importantly, distributed. Knowledge is no longer concentrated; it is distributed.

我们过去生活在可度量的空间之中,这些空间靠一些中心相互连接。 We used to live in a metric space, as I said, which was linked to centers or concentrations.

学校,教室,大礼堂是学生和教授的中心;图书馆是书籍的中心,实验室是器材中心。 A school, a classroom, and a lecture hall are concentrations of people, students and professors; a library is a concentration of books; a laboratory is a concentration of instruments.

但现在,这些知识都分散到了各处,甚至可以说被分散到了你家! But now, this knowledge—these reference works, these texts, these dictionaries, and even observatories!—are distributed everywhere, and in particular, in your own home.

更棒的是,你可以在任何地方获取知识只要你想。你可以无时无刻与你的同事或同学联络,他们也可以轻松回应你。 Even better, you can access them from almost any place you happen to find yourself. You can reach your colleagues or students anytime and anywhere, and they can easily respond.

那些老的中心,那些我刚才说给你们听的——已经被稀释、扩散了开来。 The old space of concentrations, the space where I speak and you listen, has been diluted and expanded.

我们生活在天涯若比邻的空间之中。我可以在家或是任何地方与你交流,而你可以在任何地方回答我。所以,这些老的中心还有何用? We are living in a distributed space of immediate neighborhoods. I can speak to you from my home or anywhere else, and you can listen to me from anywhere—even your home. What, then, are we doing here?

综上,我们不能说学生们缺乏认知能力来接受这些碎片化的知识,因为这些能力与载体一起应运而生。 Above all, we cannot say that students lack the cognitive faculties to assimilate this distributed knowledge, since these faculties have been transformed along with, and because of, their support.

举个例子来说,随着书写与印刷术的产生,人的记忆力发生突变,以至于蒙田宣称他更希望拥有一个健全的善于学习的脑子而不是一个装满知识的脑袋。而这个大脑如今又经历了一场突变。 With the advent of writing and the printing press, for instance, memory mutated to the point where Montaigne said he preferred “une tête bien faite plutôt qu’une tête bien pleine,”“a good head rather than a full head.” This head has now mutated yet again.


当书写被发明与推广之后,希腊人发明了教育,而在文艺复兴后随着印刷术的出现教育发生了改变。那么今天,随着新技术的到来,教育再次需要彻底转变,更何况我提到的那些新技术带来的新奇改变只是沧海一粟而已! Pedagogy was invented by the Greeks (paideia) when writing was invented and disseminated, and it was trans-formed anew in the Renaissance when the printing press appeared. Today, pedagogy is again changing completely with the advent of new technologies, whose novelties are only one variable among the many I have cited or could enumerate.

我们都意识到我们迫切地需要对教育做出重大改革,而这个改革将最终对我们整个全球社会空间以及现有架构造成巨大的影响。 We all sense that we urgently need a decisive change in teaching, a change that will eventually have repercussions on the entire space of our global society and its obsolete institutions.

事实上,它不仅会影响教学,还会影响到工作,商业,健康,法律和政治——简而言之,我们所有的机构。 Indeed, it will not only affect teaching, but also work, business, health, law and politics—in short, all our institutions.

然而,这种变化还是遥遥无期的,因为这场巨变发生前的最后一代人还没有退休,他们还在利用早已被淘汰的模式进行改革。 Yet this change is still far off, no doubt because those who lived through the transition from these final states have not yet retired, and they are instituting reforms using models that have long since been surpassed.

我教书半世纪以来,经过的世界上每一处地方都和我本国一样出现着时代断层。 I have taught, for half a century, in almost every latitude of the world, and everywhere, this crack is opening up as wide as it has been in my own country.

在每一个地方,我都忍受这些改革的磨合,像木脚上的石膏一样,只是一个补丁。 In each case, I have been subjected to—and suffered from—these reforms, like a plaster cast on wooden legs, a mere patching-up.

但是石膏会损害胫骨,即使是人造的,把那些试图加固的组织撕开。 But plaster damages the tibia, even an artificial one, and the patching-up tears the very tissue it is meant to strengthen.

是的,几十年来我目睹着我们生活这样一个剧变中的时代,一如古希腊人在书写文字出现后迎来教育的曙光,文艺复兴时代印刷术诞生和书本一统天下。 Yes, for the past several decades I have watched us live through a period comparable to the dawn ofpaideia, when the Greeks learned to write and demonstrate. Or the Renaissance, which experienced the birth of the printing press and the reign of the book to come.

然而这两个时代还是不可比较参照的。 Yet the two periods are incomparable.

在技术突变的同时,我们的身体本身也正在变异,改变了生与死,痛苦与痊愈,职业,空间,栖息以及存在。 At the same time as these techniques are mutating, the body itself is metamorphosing, changing both birth and death, suffering and healing, occupations, space, habitats, being-in-the-world.




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