拇指姑娘正在寻找工作。然而,即使她找到了,她仍然会再寻找,因为她知道明天很可能就会失去刚刚找到的工作。此外,在工作中,她与找她说话的人交谈,以一种不会失去工作的方式,而不是关于问题本身。 Thumbelina is searching for a job. Even when she finds one, however, she will still be searching, since she knows that, tomorrow, she could easily lose the job she has just found. Moreover, at work, she answers those who speak to her, not in terms of the question posed, but in a way that will not make her lose her job.

现在这种情况很普遍,这种谎言伤害了每个人。拇指姑娘对她的工作感到无聊。 Now a commonplace, this lie harms everyone. Thumbelina is bored at her job.


隔壁的木匠从森林里的一家工厂取得一些未经处理的板材,在木材干燥之后,根据客户的命令将这个“宝物”做成凳子、桌子或门。 The carpenter next door used to obtain untreated boards from a mill in the forest and, after letting them dry, would turn this treasure into stools, tables, or doors, depending on his customers’ orders.

三十年后,他从工厂获得现成的窗户,他们在墙壁上预先设置了格式化的、适合窗户的开口。 Thirty years later, he gets ready-made windows from a factory, which he installs in pre-fabricated walls with formatted openings.

他很无聊,她也是。 He’s bored. So is she.

刺激的工作发生在远离施工现场的设计师办公室里。 The stimulating work takes place in the office of the designers, far from the construction site.

资本不是简单的金钱的汇聚,而是水坝后的水亦或是地表下的矿石以及远离执行计划的工作人员的智慧。 Capital does not simply signify a concentration of money, but also water behind a dam, ore under the earth, and the intelligence of a group of engineers who work far from those who execute their plans.

无聊来自于这种汇聚,这种诱骗,这种偷来的利益。 The boredom comes from this concentration, this inveiglement, this theft of interest.

自1970年以后,生产率的大幅提高使得工作变得越来越稀缺,而全球人口的增长又再一次促进了生产率的增长。 Jobs have become increasingly scarce, due to increased productivity, which has grown dramatically since 1970, as well as the growth of the global population, which has added to productivity.

贵族将很快成为这种生产力的唯一受益者? Will an aristocracy soon be sole beneficiary of this productivity?

诞生于工业革命,效仿修道院神职而产生的工作模式,是否在逐渐消亡? Born in the Industrial Revolution, and copied from the divine offices of the monasteries, is work dying today, slowly but surely?


拇指姑娘目睹了蓝领工人数量的减少,新技术将会导致白领人数减少。 Thumbelina has watched the number of blue collar workers diminish; the new technologies will cause the number of white collar workers diminish as well.

工作是否会与其产品一样消失?那些在机器操作、货物加工和运输中被污染的产品,泛滥在市场中,大多数情况下还对环境有害。 Will work disappear as much as its products—products that inundate the markets and often harm the environment, contaminated by the action of machines and the fabrication and transportation of goods?


Work depends on sources of energy whose exploitation depletes their reserves and pollutes. Thumbelina dreams of a new kind of work that would right these wrongs and be a benefit to those who work.

她不仅仅是在说她的工资——否则她直接就会用“受益人”这个词了——拇指姑娘所说的,还有她的幸福快乐。 She is not simply speaking of her salary—otherwise she would have said “beneficiary”—but of her happiness as well.


She draws up a summary list of actions that would help prevent two kinds of pollution: not only the pollution of the planet, but also the pollution of human beings.

十九世纪的法国乌托邦思想家们被当做白日做梦人而遭到质疑,他们试图组织人类去实践的方向,与那些将我们引至当前双重僵局的方向是直接对立的。 The French utopian thinkers of the nineteenth century, distrusted for being dreamers, attempted to organize human practices in directions diametrically opposed to those that have led us to this double impasse.


Since there are only individuals, and since society has organized itself around work, and since everything is made to revolve around work—even encounters and private adventures that have nothing to do with it—Thumbelina had hoped to find fulfillment in her job.

但实际上她根本就找不到任何东西。她很无聊,她试图去想象一个不再由工作架构起来的社会。那由什么架构呢?还有,她有几次被征询过意见? But in fact she hardly finds anything at all in it. She is bored. She tries to imagine a society that would no longer be structured by work. But by what? And how often has she been asked for her advice?


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