中心聚焦的教室或报告厅空间像是交通工具的内部——车、火车、飞机——乘客在那儿排排坐,由驾驶员引领他们朝向知识前进。 The centered or focused space of the classroom or lecture hall can be likened to the inside of a vehicle—a car, a train, an airplane—where the passengers, seated in rows, allow themselves to be driven by the person piloting them to knowledge.

不过,看看乘客们的身体:他们在座位上萎靡不振,腹部隆起,神情迷茫被动。 But take a look at the bodies of the passengers: they are slouched in their seats, their stomachs protruding, with vague and passive looks.

而驾驶员则活跃而专注,背挺直,手抓紧方向盘。 By contrast, the driver is active and attentive, his back straight, his hands grasping the steering wheel.

当拇指姑娘使用电脑或智能手机时,这些设备都要求一个保持警觉和活跃的驾驶员的身体,而不是一个放松、被动的乘客身体。 When Thumbelina uses her computer or smart phone, these devices both require the body of a driver, alert and active, and not that of a passenger, relaxed and passive.

是需求,不是供给。 Demand and not supply.

她的背是挺直的,腹部是绷紧的。 Her back is straight, her stomach is taut.

把一个这样的人塞回教室,那习惯了驾驶的身体将不再能忍受乘客的被动姿势。 Thrust such a person back into a classroom, and her body, used to driving, will no longer tolerate the posture of a passive passenger.

被剥夺驾驶机器后,她用其他方式去活跃和忙碌。 Deprived of a machine to drive, she becomes active and busy in other ways.

扰乱一下。 A disturbance.

往她手里放台电脑,她就能重新找回“身体舵手”(body-pilot)的姿势。Put a computer in her hands, and she will reassume the gestures of the body-pilot.

如今所剩的只有驾驶员,无他,只有运动力。 Today, nothing remains but drivers, nothing but motricity.

没有观众,剧院空间满是移动着的行动者。 With no spectators, the space of the theater is filled with actors, who remain mobile.

法庭中没有了法官,只有始终活跃的演讲者与雄辩家。 In the courtroom, there are no judges, only speakers and orators, who are constantly active.

圣殿里没有神父;教堂里的每个人都是传道者。 In the sanctuary, there are no priests; in church, everyone is a preacher.

报告厅里没有大师;每个人现在都变成了教授。而且,我们必须补充,政治舞台不再由有权势的人所占领,而是由那些曾被有权势之人所代表着行使决策权的人民所占领。 In the lecture hall, there are no masters; everyone has now become a professor. And, we must add, the political arena is no longer occupied by the powerful, but by the people on whose behalf the powerful used to make decisions.

这是决策者时代的终结。 It is the end of the era of the decision-maker.

王晓芬:舍赫,拉图尔与行动者网络理论(Actor-Network Theory)

舍赫的理想是消弭知识的等级秩序,使之在均匀、去中心化的空间内自由移动。也就是拇指一代们通过智能手机、互联网所实现的知识获取、交流互惠、互通有无。从中或多或少能看到拉图尔的行动者网络理论的影子。在拉图尔的《重组社会:行动者网络理论介绍》中,他大量使用了“actor”这个概念,援引拉图尔自己的定义:An actor is what is made to act by many others.(Latour, 46)拉图尔使用“actor”这个词语是用来表示,当我们行动(或表演)时,其实搞不清楚到底是谁或是什么在行动(或表演),因为行动者(演员)一上场,其行动(或表演)从来就不是单独的。尽管舍赫并没有把“actor”这个名词单独拎出来作定义,但在这一节中,舍赫明确地指出“如今所剩的只有驾驶员,无他,只有运动力。没有观众,剧院空间满是移动着的行动者(actors)。……这是决策者时代的终结。”当舍赫在“小呆子”一节中说道:“我们的中小学校、学院和大学已经被书页格式化了,……肃静和顶礼膜拜。”继而追问“Is this the end of the era of actors?”时,便很容易推理得出,这里的actor应理解为“行动者”而不是“演员”或“表演者”。

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