这个新混沌,像每次紊乱或骚动发生时那么粗陋,却预告了一个彻头彻尾的变化——首先,在教育;其次,在政治的方方面面。 This new chaos, primitive like every disorder or brouhaha,heralds a complete change—first, in pedagogy; and then, in every aspect of politics.

直至今日,教,都在于提供需求。 Until recently, teaching consisted in supplying a demand.

这是没兴趣聆听需求制造者建议或选择的人给出的一份特别优待。 It was an exclusive offer, dispensed by those who had little interest in listening to the advice or choices of those making the demand.

知识被储藏在书页里,因此要“老师声音”(Teacher-Voice)把它们讲出来,他们读书、然后再传递和论证知识。 Knowledge is stocked in the pages of books: thus spoke the Teacher-Voice, who read the books, then delivered and demonstrated the knowledge.

先听我读,然后你才能读,如果你想要读的话。无论如何,保持安静。Listen to me first, then you can read, if you want. In any case, keep quiet.

又,供应方说:保持安静! Twice, the supplier said: Be quiet!

所有这些结束。 All that is over.

随着声浪的增长,聊天拒斥了这种供给,聊天致力于发明、宣告和实施一项新需求,而那无疑会需要另一种知识。 As its wave has grown, chatting has refused this supply in order to invent, proclaim, and implement a new demand, which no doubt will require another knowledge.

这就是逆转! This is the reversal!

轮到我们了,我们之中的那些“说老师”(Speaking Teacher)必须学会如何聆听聊天需求的困惑混乱噪声,这聊天需求来自于我们的学生。 Those of us who are Speaking Teachers must learn how to listen, in our turn, to the confused and chaotic noise of this chattering demand coming from our students.

直至今日,没有人费心问过一句,他们是否真的对我们所供给的东西有需求。 Until recently, no one bothered to ask if they were truly demanding what we were supplying.

为什么拇指姑娘对“老师声音”必须讲的东西越来越不感兴趣? Why is Thumbelina less and less interested in what the Teacher-Voice has to say?

因为,鉴于在浩瀚存放处内日益增加的知识供给,随时随地可以获取,一次性的单向供给便变得很滑稽了。 Because, given the increasing supply of knowledge from in an immense depository—everywhere and always accessible—a one-time and singular supply becomes ridiculous.

这个问题曾经相当残酷,那时,为了获取这稀有、秘密的知识,你不得不长途跋涉。 The problem was posed rather cruelly when, to obtain this rare and secret knowledge, you had to travel long distances.

而现在可以获取了,知识过于充沛了;而且还总是唾手可得,小小体积就待在拇指姑娘的口袋里,被她带着到处走。 Now accessible, knowledge is overabundant; and it is always within reach, in the small volume that Thumbelina carries around in her pocket.

知识获取的浪潮与聊天声浪一样高涨。 The wave of access to knowledge rises as high as the wave of chatting.

没有需求的供给现今已死。 Supply without demand is now dead.

已然大获成功且取而代之的巨量供给,对于需求制造者来说即刻可得。 The enormous supply that has succeeded and replaced it is immediately available to those making the demand.

这在我们学校里业已成真,而且我认为很快会在政治上成真。 This is already true in our schools, and I suggest that it will soon become true in politics.

这是专家时代的终结吗? Is this the end of the era of experts?

王晓芬: “老师声音”(Teacher-Voice),“范读”

我还是承认“范读”能发挥的指导性作用的,所以无法百分百认同舍赫对“老师声音”的猛烈指责。从经验出发,念书的声音(语调、断句等)能够很大程度地影响听者对内容的掌握程度,同时,还能决定念书者自己将如何理解文本。演讲策略之一种。这也是为什么在我们的小学教育中,“范读”作为一种教学手段被如此普遍使用的原因。我小时候对老师的范读其实很不耐烦。我更喜欢自己读,按我自己的理解,去“有感情地朗读”,或根据文章写作时间、作者风格而模仿某些程式(类似展演性地)朗读,只有这样我才能更好把握文本。所以我认为舍赫否定的其实是“老师声音”的权威与垄断。他要推翻的那种“范读”,是版权法中规定的独家演绎权,是被 Anish Kapoor 强占了使用权的 Vantablack,是作品完成后还阴魂不散地想要主导评论的作者主体性残留。

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