听,她说,那些经过的人群的沙沙声。 Listen, she said, to the rustle of the soft crowds passing by.


.Homo sapiensused to be constantly on the move, depending on available game and fruits, and variations in climate.

智人(Homo sapiens)在很长一段时间中一直是旅人(Homo victor),直到有一天,相当晚近的年代,这个星球上不再有未知之地。 For a long time,Homo SapienswasHomo victor(traveling man), until the day came, relatively recently, when the planet no longer contained any unknown lands.

各种马达的发展让旅行变得如此平常,我们对栖息地的感觉就此被改变。像法国这样的国家,反而变成了城市,高速火车像地铁一样运作,高速公路就像平常的街道。 Since the development of various kinds of motors, traveling has become so common that the perception of our habitat has been transformed. A country like France quickly became a city, with the high-speed trains (TGVs) functioning like a subway, and its super-highways like its streets.

到2006年,全世界航班已经运送了约三分之一的世界人口。那么多人来往于机场和火车站,那里就像越来越像快捷旅馆。 By 2006, the world's airlines had transported a third of humanity. So many people pass through airports and train stations that they are starting to resemble transient motels.

林云帆:各种马达的发展让旅行变得如此平常,国家,变成了城市,高速火车像地铁一样运作,高速公路就像平常的街道。” “那么多人来往于机场和火车站,那里就像越来越像快捷旅馆。“这倒是真的值得点赞,技术就应当是为人类提供更多可能。不过舍赫把这一点和智人迁徙联合在一起说,很酷,有点像历史循环论了。

计算一下拇指姑娘消耗在移动过程中的时间,他们真的会知道哪个城市她身居于此工作其中,又或是她属于哪个社区吗? Considering the number of times she has moved, does Thumbelina know what city she lives and works in, or to which community she belongs?


She lives in a suburb of the capital, though sometimes it takes more time to travel to the city center or the airport than it does to reach the nearest border.

她所在的大都市区域——也许对她而言,延伸的比她的城市或国家更远。 She thus resides in a metropolitan area that extends beyond her city and her nation.

问题是,她究竟住在哪里?既然政治(politics)这个词语,是以城邦作概念为基础产生的,那么这块同时被缩减及扩张的土地,失去了城邦的属性,因而对她构成了政治问题。她是某个城市的公民吗? Question: Where does she live? Both reduced and expanded, this place raises a political question, since the word "politics" refers to the city. But of what city is she a citizen?

另一种浮动的依附关系出现了。谁,来自哪里,可以代表她呢、象征她对归属地提问呢? Another fluctuating belonging! Who, coming from where, will represent her she who puts in question the very place of her habitation?


哪里,在学校,还是在和五湖四海的人们共处的医院;在工作中,或是和陌生人的交往中;在佩戴翻译器的会议上;还是在沿路行走时听到的各种语言里。 Where? At school; in the hospital, in the company of people from many countries;at work, or commuting with strangers; at a meeting with translators;walking down the street, where she hears several languages.

她和各种混血儿擦肩而过,而这些人,完美地再现了她学习到的文化与知识碰撞而出的混合性。 She rubs shoulders with a human melting pot, which perfectly reproduces the blend of cultures and knowledge she encountered during her education.

把我们描述过的颠覆,也影响着国家的人口密度,亚非地区掀起了人口上升的浪潮而西方在收缩。 For the reversals we are describing have also affected the population density of the world's countries, where the West is shrinking compared to the rising tide of Africa and Asia.

人类的混合就像那些滔滔江流,水域构成了更多的支流。 Human mixtures flow like rivers to which we ascribe proper names, but their waters combine dozens of tributaries.

拇指姑娘拜自己包裹在一块拼布复合材料的挂毯里,她用不同装饰的细工来覆盖拼接每一片空间。 Thumbelina lives in a composite tapestry and covers herspace with a disparate marquetry.

她的眼睛为万花筒般的景观缭乱,迷惑性的杂音音令她耳鸣,感觉们警示着她,其他的逆转即将发生。 Her eyes are fascinated by this kaleidoscope, and her ears ring with a confused chaos of voices and sensations that foreshadow other reversals.


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