他们祖先的文化扎根于千年的沉淀,其中有灿烂的古希腊-拉丁文化,基督教文化,一些楔形文字板,和一小段史前文明。 The culture of their ancestors was grounded in a temporal horizon of several thousand years, adorned with Greco-Latin antiquity, the Jewish Bible, a few cuneiform tablets, and a short prehistory.

而在今后,这样可追溯的时间跨度将要扩展到数以亿万年来计算,上至普朗克屏障,再到星球吸积的过程乃至物种演变以及跨越百万年的古生物学。 This temporal horizon has now been expanded billions of years, going back to the Plank barrier, and passing through the accretion of the planet, the evolution of the species,and a paleontology spanning millions of years.

他们不再生活在同一个时间点,他们各自生活在不同的历史支流之中。 No longer inhabiting the same time, they are living a completely different history.

他们被成年人所经营传播的社交媒体格式化,这些成年人苦心经营的一切摧毁了他们的注意力——根据一些官方给出的数据,画面时间精简为七秒钟,而回答问题时间也被严格控制在十五秒之内。 They are formatted by the media, which is broadcast by adults, who have meticulously destroyed their faculty of attention by reducing the duration of images to seven seconds, and the response time to questions to fifteen seconds--these are official figures.

媒体中重复率最高的词汇是“死亡”,而出现次数最多的图片是尸体。 The word that is repeated most often in the media is“death,” and the most frequently represented images are those of corpses.

在他们生命的前十二年中,他们的长辈们会无意识地迫使他们看到两万多次谋杀事。 In the first twelve years of their lives, these adults will force them to watch more than twenty thousand murders.

他们被广告所格式化,法国的孩子们如何能将“relais”的后缀正确地写成“-ais”,当全国的车站都将这个词语拼写成“relay”来影响孩子们? 当法国国家铁路系统利用文字游戏的销售手段(S'mile)无意中引进的英制测量单位时,如何向孩子们教授公制? How can French children be taught that the word“relais”is written with an“-ais,”when it is spelled with an “-ay” in every train station in France?② How can they be taught the metric system when the SNCF, the French national rail system, decides to call its fidelity program “S'Miles”—one of the most ridiculous things in the world?

我们成年人将景观社会转化成了教学社会,在这个教学中,他们有压倒性的权威,这种目空一切的态度笼罩着大中小学。 We adults have transformed our society of the spectacle into a pedagogical society whose overwhelming competition, will fully ignorant, has eclipsed the school and the university.

社交媒体很久之前就已经将教育的功能包揽了——当一个人听到或看到问题时,这个问题本身的诱惑与解答已经呈现在了面前。 The media long ago took over the function of teaching—the time when one hears and sees, the time of seduction and consequence.



在法国,我们的教授们饱受批判、质疑和抨击因为他们贫穷且低调,即使按人口比,他们在最近的诺贝尔奖和菲尔兹奖上面保持了世界纪录。他们甚至变得比那些哗众取丑、资产丰厚的所谓“教育家”们还要没有影响力。 In France, our professors—criticized, mistrusted, and lambasted, since they are poor and discreet, even if they hold the world record for recent Nobel prizes and Field medals in relation to the size of the population have become far less influential than these dominant teachers of the media, who are boisterous and rich.

这些孩子们生活在虚拟世界。认知科学向我们展示了使用互联网来读写信息(用我们的拇指滑动),或查询维基百科或者说是Facebook,比起书本、黑板和笔记本的传统教学模式刺激的是不同的神经元与大脑皮质区。 These children inhabit the virtual.The cognitive sciences have shown us that using the Internet, reading or writing messages (with one’s thumb), or consulting Wikipedia or Facebook does not stimulate the same neurons or the same cortical zones as does the use of a book, a chalkboard,or a notebook.

他们可以同时操作各种不同形式的信息,而不再像他们的前辈们那样去进行理解和整合与归纳。 They can manipulate several forms of information at the same time, yet they neither understand it, nor integrate it, nor synthesize it as do we,their ancestors.


他们不再拥有相同的头脑。 They no longer have the same head.

他们可以使用手机与所有人保持联系;使用GPS定位到世界的每一个角落;通过互联网获知一切的知识。 With their cellphone, they have access to all people; with GPS, to all places; with the Internet, to all knowledge.

他们生活在一个天涯若比邻的拓扑空间,而我们生活在一个以距离为参照的可测量空间。 They inhabit a topological space of neighborhoods, whereas we lived in a metric space,coordinated by distances.

他们的空间发生了翻天覆地的变化。 They no longer inhabit the same space.

在我们毫无知觉的情况下,新一代人在一个短短的时代出生了,他们将我们和1970年代人分开了。 Without us even realizing it,a new kind of human being was born in the brief period of time that separates us from the 1970s.

他或她不再拥有相同的身体和寿命;不再用同一种方式交流;不再感知到相同的世界;不再生活在相同的自然和空间。 He or she no longer has the same body or the same life expectancy. They no longer communicate in the same way; they no longer perceive the same world; they no longer live in the same nature or inhabit the same space.

他们在硬脊膜外麻醉的科学医疗手段之下诞生,因此他们不会时刻恐惧死亡降临,因医疗手段不再像以前那样落后,对疾病治标不治本。 Born via an epidural and a programmed pregnancy,they no longer fear, with all their palliatives, the same death.

他们和父母不再拥有同样一副头脑,他们将会领悟到不同的东西。 No longer having the same head as their parents, he or she comprehends differently.

他或她书写方式也不再相同。通过观察他们灵巧地发送短信(而我的手指相比之下如此笨拙,无法做到),作为祖父,我满怀柔情并带着极大的赞许将他们命名为拇指女孩或者说是拇指男孩。 He or she writes differently. After watching them, with admiration, send an SMS more quickly than I could ever do with my clumsy fingers, I have named them, with as much tenderness as a grandfather can express, Thumbelina (Petite Poucette) and Tom Thumb (Petit Poucet).

这就是他们的真实名字,这个称号可比那老掉牙的伪科学词汇“打字员”洋气的多了~ These are their real names, much nicer than the old pseudo-scientific French word,dactyls(typists).




他们不再讲同样的语言。 They no longer speak the same language.

自黎塞留时代以来,法兰西学院几乎每二十年出版一部法语词典供人们参考。 Since the time of Richelieu, the French Academy has published its own dictionary, every twenty years or so, as a reference work.

在前几个世纪,相邻两个版本的差别可能稳定在四五千单词左右。而如今,差别可能要高达三万五千个词汇。 In prior centuries, the difference between the two publications was four to five thousand words, a fairly constant measure.Between the current dictionary and the next one, the difference will be around thirty-five thousand words.


按照这个节奏来看,显而易见我们的子孙后代们将发现他们使用的语言和我们大相径庭,就好像我们面对。Chrétien de Troyes 和 Jean de Joinville说的古法语时的感受。 With this rhythm, it is obvious that our descendants will soon find themselves as distant from our language as we are, today, from the Old French spoken by Chrétien de Troyes or Jean de Joinville.

这一差异梯度为我所正在的描述的嬗变提供了非常直观的例子。 This gradient provides a quasi-photograph-ic sign of the changes I am describing.

这个影响了大多数语种的巨大差异,源于近几年行业间翻天覆地的变化。 This immense difference, which affects most languages, is derived in part from the changes between the jobs of recent years and those of today.

拇指姑娘和她的朋友们不再去从事从前的工作。 Thumbelina and her friend will no longer have to apply themselves to the same kind of work.

语言改变了,工作也随之突变。 Language has changed, and work has mutated.


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