1. ①法语中的“技艺”(techniques)和“技术”(technologies)有所区别。通常来说,一项技艺就是指制造加工的程序或做法,而技术[词源是希腊语tekhnè,指技艺,逻各斯,话语或研习]是关于技艺的话语。在英语中,technology这个单词的意思几乎已经囊括了希腊词tekhnè包含的所有意思。 ①The French language distinguishes between techniques and technologies. Very generally, a technique is a process or practice of fabrication, whereas technology (from the Greek tekhnè, technique, and logos, discourse or study) is a discourse about techniques. In English, the word technology has expanded to cover almost all senses of the Greektekhnè.

  2. ②《妇女乐园》(Au Bonheur des Dames)是埃米尔·左拉写于1883年的小说,故事中的商店原型即乐蓬马歇百货商店。英语版名为The Ladies’ Paradise,由Brian Nelson翻译(牛津:牛津大学出版社,1995年)。 ②Emile Zola’s 1883 novel, Au Bonheur des Dames (“For the Happiness of Women”), which was set in a store modeled after Le Bon Marchè. It has been translated into English as The Ladies’ Paradise, trans. Brian Nelson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).

  3. ③见米歇尔·塞尔《知识的游吟诗人》,由Sheila Faria Glaser与William Paulson翻译(安娜堡:密歇根大学出版社,1997年),其法语原著为《被教导的第三者》(巴黎:François Bourin出版社,1991年)。 ③A reference to Michel Serres’ book The Troubador of Knowledge, trans. Sheila Faria Glaser and William Paulson (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997), whose original French title was Le tiers-instruit (Paris: François Bourin, 1991).

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