
It has been said that Humphrey Potter, a boy from Birmingham, used the string of his top to tie together, on the arm of a steam engine, the inlet and exhaust valves that he had been hired to activate by hand.Trying to avoid a boring job so he could play, Potter invented, while suppressing his slavery, a kind of feedback loop.


True or not, this tale is meant to praise the precociousness of a genius.

在我看来,这更是展现了工人频繁的能力,机巧、因地制宜,即使是岁数还没成年的小工人也有这种能力。而决策者,恰恰是远远地发号施令,根本不向行动者征询意见,他们觉得行动者都是无能的人。汉弗莱·波特是拇指姑娘的代名词。 To my eyes, it shows, rather, the frequent competence, subtle and adapted, of workers, even minor ones, in places where the deciders, distant, have issued commands to act without consulting their actors, who are assumed to be incompetent.Humphrey Potter is one of thenoms de guerreof Thumbelina.

“雇员”这个词表达了对无能(重复劳动,没有创造性工作)的认定。 The wordemployeeexpresses this presumption of incompetence.

“plier”(雇员)这个法语词从语源学上说就是“折叠,屈服”的意思,意即把事情折入到一个人的空闲时间里,以大加剥削之。 Etymologically (employer, from the Frenchplier, to fold), it is a matter of folding something at one’s leisure in order to exploit it.


A disease is reduced to an organ to repair; a student, to an ear to fill or a silent mouth to force-feed.Workers are reduced to machines to be managed, only slightly more complicated than the machines they work on.

以上,常常是只说不听; 在下,只听不说。 Above, there used to be deaf mouths; below, mute ears.

让我们歌颂互相打分。 Let us sing the praises of reciprocal control.

通过恢复两个层级,最好的公司把员工置于实际决策的中心。 By restoring complete faces on both levels, the best companies put their workers at the center of practical decision making.

不像金子塔的组织架构,它包含流动的逻辑性和复杂性的规章制度(实际上通过添加规章制度来增加复杂性),他们让拇指姑娘实时控制自己的活动。 Far from organizing, like a pyramid, a logistics of flows and a regulation of complexity (which in fact multiplies complexity by adding layers of regulation), they let Thumbelina control her own activity in real time.

这种情况下,问题更容易被发现和修复,技术解决方案也可以很快被发现,生产率因此得到提高。但我们也要检查她的代表,她的老板,与此同时,还有医生和政治家。 Breakdowns are more easily identified and repaired, technical solutions are found more quickly, productivity is improved. But we must also examine her representatives—here, her bosses; and in a moment, doctors and politicians.


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