拇指姑娘是否会对老师进行评分? Should Thumbelina grade her teachers?

关于这个问题的有趣的辩论不久前在法国掀起潮流。 A curious debate on this question raged in France not long ago.

远方的我很惊讶。 From afar, I was astonished.

在过去的四十年里,其他大学的学生一直在评价我。 For the past forty years, students at other universities have been grading me.

我并没觉得很难受,为什么?因为即使没有被要求,听课的人也总是会对他们的教授评头论足。 I didn’t come off badly. Why? Because, even without being required to do so, anyone who takes a course is always evaluating their professor.

在上课的第一天,一群学生挤进我的教室;今天只剩下三四个了。这是我被从数量上予以了处罚。或者说,从注意力上:学生要么在聆听课堂的内容,要么已经感觉无聊,注意力开始分散。究其因,口才是导致这件事的根源,聆听者会保持沉默。 On the first day of class, a crowd of students crammed into my classroom; today, only three or four are left: I have been penalized by numbers.Or by attention: students either listen or become bored, distracted, and disruptive. Cause of itself, eloquence finds its origin in the listener’s silence, itself born of eloquence.



In fact, everyone everywhere is always getting graded: a lover, by his silent mistress; a merchant, by the shouts of his customers; the media, by ratings; a doctor, by the influx of patients; elected officials, by the sanction of voters.

这很简单地说明了政府的问题。 This brings us, quite simply, to the question of government.

焦虑的母亲和心理学家鼓励分级制度,这种对打分的痴迷离开了学校并迅速入侵了民间社会,用出版的畅销书榜单、诺贝尔奖、奥斯卡奖、各种各样的金属奖杯去衡量高校、银行、公司以及国家的排名,甚至是在他们之前的一国国王和王后的排名。 The obsession with grading, encouraged by anxious mothers and psychologists, quickly left the schools and invaded civil society, which at every opportunity publishes lists of bestsellers, hands out Nobel Prizes, Oscars, and various Cups in false metal, ranks universities, rates banks, appraises companies and even states—and before them, kings and queens.



In turning this page, dear reader, you will at that very moment be evaluating me as an author.


A kind of two-faced demon compels us to judge something to be good or bad, innocent or harmful. True lucidity, however, discerns what is dying in the old world and emerging in the new.


Today, a reversal is occurring that promotes a symmetrical circulation between the graders and the graded, a reciprocity between the powerful and the subjugated. Most people seem to believe that everything flows from top to bottom, from the pulpit to the pews, from the elected to the electors.

在上,供应呈现一切,在下,需求吞没一切。大卖场、伟大的图书馆、强大的首席执行官、部长和政治家都认为我们无能,慷慨地给予我们这些小人物好处。 Upstream, the supply is presented; downstream, the demand swallows everything. Large megastores, great libraries, powerful CEOs, ministers, and statesmen, presuming our incompetence, generously bestow their beneficent rain on we little people.

也许这样的情况在某种程度上存在,但是在我们的生活中,在工作中,医院,路 上,团体,公共场所,到处都已经结束了。摆脱这些假定的驾驶员——我的意思是这些不对称的关系——新的流通正使我们去听声音,如同音乐般的人声。

Perhaps such a situation existed at some point, but it has ended in our lifetimes—at work, in the hospital, on the road, in groups, in public places, everywhere. Freed from these supposed drivers—by which I mean these asymmetrical relations—the new circulation is making us listen to the sound, quasi-musical, of its voice.


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