Yet this novelty is not new.
Algorithmic thought arose before the invention of geometry in Greece and reemerged in Europe with Pascal and Leibniz, who invented two calculating machines and, like Thumbelina, used pseudonyms.
Formidable, but at the time discreet, this revolution was not noticed by the philosophers, still nourished by sciences and letters.
Between geometric formality of the sciences and the lived reality of letters, this revolution brought about a new cognition of things and humans which had already been foreseen in the practice of medicine and law, both of which united the universal and the particular, jurisdiction and jurisprudence, the sickness and the sick. Out of this, our own novelty emerged.
Since then, thousands of efficacious methods have utilized algorithms or procedures.
The culture of Leibniz and Pascal—a direct inheritance of the Fertile Crescent before Greece, and of al-Khwārizmī, a Persian scientist writing in Arabic—has today invaded the domain of the abstract as well as the concrete.
Letters and sciences have lost an ancient battle that began, as I have said elsewhere, with the
Meno`,one of Plato’s dialogues, where Socrates the geometer misunderstands a young slave who, instead of making a demonstration, utilizes procedures.
I have named his anonymous servant Tom Thumb: he has won out over Socrates.
After two millennia, this marks the return of the presumption of competence.
The new victory of these old procedures stems from the fact that the algorithmic and the procedural both rely on codes.
So let us return to names.
张诗瑶:Name 在这又表示什么?Tom Thumb 在格林童话中是个头小如拇指的怪胎,落入一捆草中,因为体量小而被牛一起吃到了胃里——甚至不够塞住牙缝。可能对于上传云端的我们,个体的体量亦小如他。童奴在《美诺篇》中被当做道具,以说明苏格拉底的助产术,提出“回忆说”。苏格拉底认为探究下去就会获得知识,在这个过程中他会将一直存在于自身之内的知识引发出来。如何从推定能力过渡到潜在知识,尤其是当童奴没有一个潜在的推定标准?如果假设是因为他在成为人之前已经具备并习得答案,莱布尼兹向拉图主义者提出挑战的交叉口——如前文所述的危险路口,就出现:潜在知识可能永远不能成为外显的知识!
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