这种混乱不仅仅是在我们的学校和医院里回荡,它不单是拇指姑娘在课堂上发出的声音,也不是在等候室里流泪时发出的声音。 This chaos does not simply reverberate in our schools and hospitals. It does not simply emanate from Thumbelinas in class, or through tears in a waiting room.

教师们在校长宣布决定时聊天,实习生在医生出庭时聊天,警察在长官指挥时说话,市民在市场里聚集着说话,当市长,副部长或部长开始陷入困境时,市民开始起哄 Teachers talk among themselves when a principal announces a decision; interns converse when a physician holds forth; policemen speak when a sergeant commands; citizens, assembled in a marketplace,start heckling when a mayor, deputy, or minister starts to stonewall.

非常讽刺的是,拇指姑娘说,一堆成年人的简单的聚会并不会产生一个暴动。 Show me, says Thumbelina, ironically, a single gathering of adults that does not produce, amusingly, a similar brouhaha.

这些真实的声音由背景音乐、媒体的消息、商业的噪音——计算药物和麻醉的声响——覆盖,更不用说博客和社交网络上还存在虚拟化的声音,这些声音的总和几乎无法估量,接近那些不能计算的全世界的人口数量。 These real voices are covered over by muzak, the din of the media, the deafening and anaesthetizing racket of commerce— shameful noise and calculated drugs—not to mention the virtualities of blogs and social networks, whose sum total, almost incalculable, approaches numbers comparable to the population of the planet.

但是,这却是历史上第一次,几乎每个人都可以听到声音。 Yet for the first time in history, the voice of almost everyone can be heard.


人类的言语在空间和实践中都引起了共鸣和震动。 Human speech vibrates in space and throughout time.

小而沉默的村庄中的平静已经被打破,现在很少有钟声、铃声、法律和宗教信仰。村民儿子和女儿的写作被被这些广泛而嘈杂的社交网络所取代。 Small and silent villages, whose calm was broken, rarely, by bells and clocks—law and religion, the sons and daughters of writing— were replaced by the vast and noisy expanse of these networks.

这是一个广泛的现象,我们需要注意。 This is such a widespread phenomenon that we need to pay attention to it.

这是新声音的深度,一种喧闹的声音,包含私人,公共,永久,真实或虚拟的混乱,包括所有过时的电机和舞台上使用的电子设备。 It is the new noise of the depths, a cacophony of clamoring voices—private, public, permanent, real or virtual—a chaos that includes all the outdated motors and electronic devices of the society of the spectacle.

它大量地复制,以小型海啸般的喋喋不休入侵了我们的教室和讲堂。 It reproduces on a large scale the mini-tsunami of chatter that has invaded our classrooms and lecture halls.

或者说,后者是前者的模式。做这些大拇指,这些世界的这些小丑,预示着一个时代,一个第二个口头年龄将与虚拟作品联手的时代? Or rather, the latter is a reduced model of the former. Do these thumb-chats, these cacophonies of the world, herald an era in which a second oral age will join hands with virtual writings?


Will the waves of this novelty wind up drowning the age of the page that has formatted us? 这个新奇的浪潮会淹没我们纸媒的时代吗?For a long time now, I have heard this new oral age emanating from the virtual.

这个能够说话的需求是拇指姑娘在学校和大学里会有的单一需求。 This general demand to be able to speak is analogous to the singular demand that Thumbelina articulates in schools and universities.

这是医院病人和工作人员的期望。 It is the expectation of hospital patients and employees at work.

每个人都想说话,每个人现在都通过无数的网络相互交流。 Everyone wants to speak, everyone now communicates with each other through countless networks.

这种声音组织与网络的网路协调一致,他们是相互同步的。 This tissue of voices harmonizes with the network of the web; they are in sync with each other.

这种新的知识性民主存在于老式教育已经耗尽的地方,它正在寻找新的民主,而且在困境中依旧存在长久生命力。 This new democracy of knowledge already exists in places where the old pedagogy has exhausted itself and the new one is being sought, with as much persistence as there is difficulty.

在一般的政治中,它对应于一个民主制度,而且很快就会变得不可规避。 In general politics, it corresponds to a democracy-in-formation that, soon, will become inescapable.

聚焦在媒体上的政治的输出将会面临死亡,然而政治的巨大的需求将会不断产生并且施加它自身的压力,即使它不能表达它自己,也不知道如何表达其自身。 The political supply, concentrated in the media, will die; while the political demand, which is enormous, will rise up and exert its pressure, even if it cannot yet express itself, and indeed does not know how.

这一声音原本是在那些狭窄的、打孔的、地方性的和秘密的纸质投票时存在的。 The voice used to cast its vote on a paper ballot, narrow and perforated, local and secret.

今天,其永恒的噪音占据了整体的空间。声音是永久地影响着它的投票的。 Today, its ever-present noise occupies the totality of space. The voice is permanently casting its vote.


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