

这些刚入学的孩子们从未见过牛、猪或者说是一窝小鸡。在1900年,地球上的绝大多数人在土地上干农活为生。 This young school girl and new school boy have never seen a calf,a cow,a pig,or a brood of chicks.In 1900, most human beings on the planet worked the land;

而到了2011年,在法国及其类似国家,农民数量锐减到了国家总人口的百分之一。这可以说是从新石器时代以来人类社会最大的变更之一了。 By 2011, in France and in similar countries, the number of people working the land had been reduced to one percent of the population.This has been one of the greatest revolutions in history since the Neolithic period.

我们和新石器时代文化的紧密联系就这样突然发生了巨变。 Our cultures,which used to be tied to Pastoral practices,have suddenly changed.

当然,我们的食物仍然来源于亲爱的大地母亲。 Of course,what we eat, on the planet, still comes from the earth.

我在此处提及的孩子们的童年不再与动物们相伴,他们不再生活于同一片自然原始的土地,他们不再与这个世界保持同样的联系。他们赞美的仅仅是田园牧歌式的自然风光,那存在于他们的旅行清单之中。 The children l am introducing here no longer live in the company of animals;they no longer inhabit the same earth; they no longer have the same relation to the world. The nature they admire is merely an Arcadian nature, the nature of vacations and tourism.

但这些孩子们来自于城市。超过半数的孩子们直系祖先们曾在农田中挥洒过汗水。 They live in the city.More than half of their immediate Predecessors haunted the fields.

不过,在意识到环境问题的严重性后,这些收到过良好教育的孩子们怀着谨慎而又敬畏的心情对待自然,比我们这些不自觉且自负的成年人造成的污染和破坏要少得多。 Yet,having become aware of the environment, these prudent and respectful students pollute less than we unconscious and narcissistic adults.

他不再需要承受同样的体力劳动,他们居住的世界已经发生了质变。 They no longer endure the same physical life, no rare they living in the same numerical world.

在一个人的生命长度之内已经可以看到世界人口从二十亿增长到了七十亿。他们住在一个已经被挤得满满当当的世界了。 The world’s population, during the span of a single human life,has leapt from two to Almost seven billion human beings.They are living in a world that is packed full.



他们的预期寿命可以达到八十岁。而他们的曾祖父母在婚礼上曾宣誓的白头偕老可能也不过是需要遵守十几年就到达生命的尽头了。 Their life expectancy is now close to eighty years. Their great-grandparents, on their wedding day, had promise to be faithful to each other for perhaps a decade.

如果这一代孩子们彼此相爱走到一起,他们也将像上几辈人那样长相厮守六十五年吗?他们的家长在三十几岁左右继承遗产,而他们将会到更老的时候面临这个状况。他们的寿命、婚姻以及财产转移都与上一代人完全不同。 If he and she decide to live together, will they swear to the same fidelity for sixty-five years? Their parents received their inheritance around age thirty, while they will have to wait until old age to receive their legacy. They no longer have the same life-span, nor the same marriage, nor the same transmission of patrimony.



他们的父辈扛着钢枪心怀柔情甘愿在青春年华前往战场,为祖国的荣耀燃烧自己短暂的生命。而这些孩子,在明知自己可以还有六十几年的年华尚待享受的时候,还会依然义无反顾为祖国而献身吗? Their parents, heading off to war with a flower in their gun, often sacrificed their short life spans to their motherland.Will these children honor themselves in the same way when they have the promise of six more decades ahead of them?


在过去的六十年是西方社会一个特殊时段,这个时代的孩子们没有直接或间接的机会去了解什么是战争。 For the past sixty years, an atypical period in the history of the west, none of these children has ever known war first hand, nor have their leaders or teachers.

准确来说,他们比他们的父辈受的苦难要少得多,受益于越来越有效的药物特别是镇痛药和麻醉药的研制。 Statistically speaking, they have suffered much less than their predecessors, having reaped the benefits of a medicine that has finally become efficacious, notably through the development of analgesics and anesthetics.

他们知道什么是饥饿吗?无论是伦理道德、宗教观念或者说是世俗眼光之下,都深切地关注那些无可避免的日常痛苦——诸如疾病、饥荒以及杀戮的相关探讨。 Have they known hunger? Every morality, whether religious or secular,was embodied in exercises aimed at dealing with inevitable and daily pain:sickness, famine, the cruelty of the world.

然而这些孩子不再拥有同样的身体、观念与行为,成年人们无法指望给他们任何激励与参考,哪怕仅仅是一套伦理道德也难合时宜了。 They no longer have the same body or the same behavior; adults no longer have any hope of inspiring in them even an adapted morality.



如果说这一代的孩子们的出生是被计划好的,那么他们的父母绝对是稀里糊涂就降临到了这个世界。如果说一个女人拥有她的第一个孩子的平均年龄增长了十到十五岁,那么这些孩子的父母可能来自于不同的年代。 Their parents were conceived blindly, whereas their birth was programmed. Since the average age of a woman having her first child has increased by ten to fifteen years, the parents of these students come from a different generation.

超过半数的孩子们的家长都曾离异过。这些离异父母会丢下自己的孩子不管吗?他们都不再处于同一个家谱。 For more than half these children, their parents are divorced from each other . Have they left their children as well? Neither he nor she have the same genealogy.

他们的前辈们在同一个文化背景下在同一个教室和礼堂里相遇,而这些孩子生活在一个来自多元的宗教、语言、地域与习俗学生交汇的大集体之中。 Their predecessors met in classes and lecture halls that were culturally homogeneous, whereas they study in a collectivity where they mingle with students from numerous religious, languages, origins, and customs.

对于他们来说,多元文化是一种生活的常态与准则。 For them, and there their teachers, multiculturalism is the rule.

在法国,关于血统不纯正外国人的歌还能唱多久? How long will they still be able to sing, in France, of the “ impure blood” of foreigners?①

他们不再生活在同一个全球世界与人类世界。 They do not inhabit the same global world; they do not inhabit the same human world.

在他们身边,他们遇到了来自贫穷国家的移民子女,那些孩子们拥有非常重要的生活经验,那将颠覆前者的认知。 All around them, they encounter the sons and daughters of immigrants from less affluent countries, who have lived through vital experiences that are the opposite of theirs.

在此我们做一个小结:这一代的孩子们非常幸运。他们对于农村生活、家畜、夏收一无所知;他们远离兵戎,杀戮、饥荒;他们没有见到祖国建立背后那些染血的旗帜、遍地的墓碑……未曾有过深刻的苦难让他们得以意识到道德伦理的性命攸关,他们将何以去理解往日的文学与历史呢? A provisional assessment: they are fortunate. They know nothing of the rustic life, domestic animals, or the summer harvest. They have not lived through ten wars,the wounded, the starving, the motherland, bloody flags, cemeteries, or monuments to the dead. Nor have they ever experienced, through their suffering, the vital urgency of a morality. What literature or history will they be able to understand?




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