This young school girl and new school boy have never seen a calf,a cow,a pig,or a brood of chicks.In 1900, most human beings on the planet worked the land;
By 2011, in France and in similar countries, the number of people working the land had been reduced to one percent of the population.This has been one of the greatest revolutions in history since the Neolithic period.
Our cultures,which used to be tied to Pastoral practices,have suddenly changed
Of course,what we eat, on the planet, still comes from the earth.
The children l am introducing here no longer live in the company of animals;they no longer inhabit the same earth; they no longer have the same relation to the world. The nature they admire is merely an Arcadian nature, the nature of vacations and tourism.
They live in the city.More than half of their immediate Predecessors haunted the fields.
Yet,having become aware of the environment, these prudent and respectful students pollute less than we unconscious and narcissistic adults.
They no longer endure the same physical life, no rare they living in the same numerical world
The world’s population, during the span of a single human life,has leapt from two to Almost seven billion human beings.They are living in a world that is packed full.
Their life expectancy is now close to eighty years. Their great-grandparents, on their wedding day, had promise to be faithful to each other for perhaps a decade.
If he and she decide to live together, will they swear to the same fidelity for sixty-five years? Their parents received their inheritance around age thirty, while they will have to wait until old age to receive their legacy. They no longer have the same life-span, nor the same marriage, nor the same transmission of patrimony.
Their parents, heading off to war with a flower in their gun, often sacrificed their short life spans to their motherland.Will these children honor themselves in the same way when they have the promise of six more decades ahead of them?
For the past sixty years, an atypical period in the history of the west, none of these children has ever known war first hand, nor have their leaders or teachers.
Statistically speaking, they have suffered much less than their predecessors, having reaped the benefits of a medicine that has finally become efficacious, notably through the development of analgesics and anesthetics.
Have they known hunger? Every morality, whether religious or secular,was embodied in exercises aimed at dealing with inevitable and daily pain:sickness, famine, the cruelty of the world.
They no longer have the same body or the same behavior; adults no longer have any hope of inspiring in them even an adapted morality.
Their parents were conceived blindly, whereas their birth was programmed. Since the average age of a woman having her first child has increased by ten to fifteen years, the parents of these students come from a different generation.
For more than half these children, their parents are divorced from each other . Have they left their children as well? Neither he nor she have the same genealogy.
Their predecessors met in classes and lecture halls that were culturally homogeneous, whereas they study in a collectivity where they mingle with students from numerous religious, languages, origins, and customs.
For them, and there their teachers, multiculturalism is the rule.
在法国,关于血统不纯正外国人的歌还能唱多久? ①
How long will they still be able to sing, in France, of the “ impure blood” of foreigners?①
They do not inhabit the same global world; they do not inhabit the same human world.
All around them, they encounter the sons and daughters of immigrants from less affluent countries, who have lived through vital experiences that are the opposite of theirs.
A provisional assessment: they are fortunate. They know nothing of the rustic life, domestic animals, or the summer harvest. They have not lived through ten wars,the wounded, the starving, the motherland, bloody flags, cemeteries, or monuments to the dead. Nor have they ever experienced, through their suffering, the vital urgency of a morality. What literature or history will they be able to understand?
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