拇指姑娘在机器里寻找和发现知识。从前很难获取这些知识,它们总是碎片化呈现,被切割,被支离。 Thumbelina seeks and finds knowledge in a machine.Rarely accessed, this knowledge used to be presented in bits and pieces, cut up and divided.

一页又一页,学术分类被分布在各个科系:它的系属、所在地、实验室、图书馆的划区、信誉度、“老师声音”和它们的组织架构。知识被分成派别,现实瓦解成碎片。 Page after page, scholarly classifications distributed to each discipline its lot: its departments, its localities, its laboratories, its slice of the library, its credibility, its Teacher-Voices and their corporate structure.Knowledge was divided into sects, and reality disintegrated into pieces.

举个例子,一条河,是被零星地分散在以下流域的:地理学、地质学、地球物理学、流体动力学、冲积层结晶学、鱼类生物学、钓鱼术、气候学,更别提还有浇灌平原农学、城市洪涝史、河岸两边居民的对抗,然后是桥梁、“贡多拉”的船歌,甚至还有阿波利奈尔的《米拉波桥》。 A river, for example, was dispersed in the scattered basins of geography, geology, geophysics, hydrodynamics, the crystallography of alluvia, the biology of fish, halieutics, and climatology, not to mention the agronomy of irrigated plains, the history of flooded cities, the rivalry between riverside residents, and then the bridge, the gondolier’s barcarole, and even Apollinaire’sLe Pont Mirabeau.

通过聚拢这些碎片,融汇整合,从残肢断臂中恢复水流的活体,这就是我们获取知识的简便方式,它总算允许我们能全面地占据河流了。 Our easy access to knowledge—by bringing together this debris, merging and integrating it, restoring from these scattered limbs the living body of the current—allows us, finally, to inhabit the river in full.

可是我们要怎么统一这些分类,消解这些边界,把已经被切割、格式化的页码聚集起来,将大学的设计方案叠加在一块,把报告厅联合起来,把系科都打包在一个行李箱里,让所有高层次专家——他们每个人都觉得自己掌握智能的独家定义——听听彼此在说什么。 But how can we unite these classifications, dissolve these borders, gather together the already cut and formatted pages, superimpose the designs of the university, unify the lecture halls, pack up the departments in one suitcase, and make all the high-level experts—each of whom thinks they possess the exclusive definition of intelligence—listen to each other.

我们如何改变校园空间的形态,那个模仿古罗马军队的防守营地的空间,两者都被常规小径横穿,又被并置的营地和草坪瓜分。 How can we transform the space of the campus, which mimics the space of the defensive camp of the Roman army, both of which are traversed by the usual paths, and divided up into juxtaposed cohorts or lawns.

回答是:通过聆听需求方和世界及其人口所发出的背景噪音;通过遵循他们身体的新动作;通过努力阐述纠缠于新技术之中的未来。 Answers: by listening to the background noise coming from the demand, from the world and its populations; by following the new movements of their bodies; by trying to explicate the future implicated in the new technologies.

只是,又一次我们要问:如何做到? But once again: How?

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