
E-Mail to Komal Srivastava 16.10.2004

2004年10月16日写给科玛尔· 斯利瓦斯塔瓦的邮件

Some Thoughts on Value Education


作者:M.P. PARAMESWARAN 翻译:诸众之貌团队


This is only a loud thinking on ‘Values’ and how to help children to imbibe them.

•They have to ‘imbibe’ them and not to be imparted to.

•‘Value’ is a meaningful term only amongst collectives and not for individuals.

•Propensity for collectivism and cooperation is an evolution and character of human species and not a cultural attribute.

•Many say that humans are ‘essentially selfish” and competitive. This is not scientifically true. They are essentially cooperative and love to share.

•The basic unit of the society or collective is ‘family’. Values are imbibed from family, school and society at large.

•These ‘values; imbibed from various sources need not necessarily be the same, they could be even at loggerheads with each other.

•The purpose of ‘education’, is to help the child to harmonize the conflicting values it picks up at home and from society at large.

•Values can be defined within different frameworks- the individual, the family, the society, the species, short-term, long-term. All are relevant.

Values can be circumscribed by the following parameters.

•They should strengthen the evolutionary necessity of collectivity, should strengthen cooperation and not competition. •They should facilitate increase of species longevity i.e. they should ensure sustainability. •They should help liberate humans from animal limitations and alienation of all kinds. •They should help humans enjoy meta-needs like loving, sharing, caring, equity, creativity, truthfulness, etc. •Cooperative society means sharing responsibilities which implies democratic participation.

Summarising the above we may express desirable values in the following words: Cooperation, sustainability, equity, caring and sharing.


















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