


作者:M.P. PARAMESWARAN 翻译:诸众之貌团队


1.Why did all the socialist-working class stats in the world collapse? (Forged for the time being China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea etc.). Are there any basic common features /causes for this?

2.Why have all “workers states” (and most of their parties too) become less or more corrupt? (Or is it only an “imperialist” propaganda?)

3.Can the economic policies followed by China be reconciled with its professed political objectives? Will not the “Grow more rich” campaign currently going on in China at the same time lead also to increased impoverishment of the majority?

4.The Asian tigers”, obviously are a carnivorous lot. Whom are they preying upon?

5.Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba..... where are they heading to ? What sort of a miracle are they expecting?

6.Is it that the “non capitalist path” or accelerated path” a total Utopia?” Is it that every country has to go through “full fledged capitalism”? Is that too possible?

7.“While in Rome do as Romans do” – an old proverb. The new one is TINA – there is no alternative”. Has one to accept this?








8.Does the “Base-superstructure” theory need refinement? Why was not the question of nationalities never solved in USSR? Or Yogoslavia? Why does it continue to persist and grow?

9.Arte the proverbial “Four Contradictions” meaningful now? “Nationalism and Transnationalism”, “Sectarianism”, “Gender Differences”; “Bleaching of the blue Collar” – changes in class composition and class consciousness, nonrenewability of many resources; ecological disasters ...............how are we to handle all these problems together?

10.What do we in India have to learn from all this international experience? There have been, for long, talk about the revision of party programmes of the various communist parties in India. Are old formulations of the class character of state” still valid?

11.What are the classes existing today in India. Where do we put the “new class” of the “ruling class” the all evading bureaucracy? The multi-party linked underworld? Do you have anything to learn from Milovan Djilas and other dissident critics of former socialist states.

12.Science and Technology has transformed the production process in the 20th century.. Are traditional categories of “classes”, class consciousness and class organisations still valid in the 21st century” How do we situate the professionals. What are other major groups that have emerged”?






13.What sort of a revolution do we contemplate in India?Peoples Democratic? National Democratic? What do we man by them at National, State, and Village levels?

14.Are conspiratorial or general uprisings or routes to revolution open to us? If not, what?

15.The peoples planning experiment that is going on in Kerala – where does it stand in the revolutionary process? A distraction? A facilitator? A new path? Were the 73rd and the 74th constitutional amendments absolutely necessary to initiate such an experiment?

16.Is “decentralized democracy” antithetical to democratic centralism”. Is decentralized planning and power contrary to revolutionary requirements?

17.What was the real role of progressive parties in the literacy campaigns going on in the country?Or even in the people’s planning campaign going on in Kerala?

18.How do we understand the reluctance of progressive parties to be associated in any mobilisational work that is for development or civic action as opposed to those that are agitational in character.

13,我们在印度进行的是一场怎样的革命?人民民主还是国家民主还是社会主义?我们对于他们来讲在国家,州,村务委员会以及村 级角度意味着什么?






19.What do we have to learn from Gramsci? Is a movement for moral and intellectual reform ‘essential to fight hegemony as a strategy of class rule. How do we understand this in the Indian context? Also how do we understand the role of civil society. Does it have any contribution to make?

20.Can there be democracy without the citizens right to recall, right to know, right to exercise powers? An democracy b e successful in n illiterate (not only in letters but also in science, technology, ecology etc.) society.

21.Do we have anything to learn from Gandhijiji’s aphorism – expressed by a large number of saints reformers etc. earlier too -‘This world has enough to satisfy everybody’ needs, but not their greed’s.”

22.When Marx characterized communism “From each according to his ability and to each according to his needs” - didn’t he make a qualification of needs – real needs as different from pseudo needs created by capitalism.

23.What do we understand b y human progress? I it more and more of consumption? Is it more choices? What is it? How do we quantify progress?






24.Can India progress along route of Asian Tigers? If not what is the Indian path? Agriculture, fisheries animal husbandry, industry, energy, housing, clothing, education, health et. Et. Can we counter TINA complex. Many tell “TIBA” – This is the best alternative’ – b y mere negations and allegory. Don’s we have to work out to the last nut and bolt another blue – print?




1.Is it possible (if not why?) and desirable to resolve all our border b problems – Pakistan , China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka... and do away with the problem of external defense? Make the entire area a visa free region. War is a horrorful activity; military is a continuous wastage of resources and a potential source of brutality.

2.If India has to initiate such a grand ideal it has to become internally strong – both morally and economically. One of the elements of moral strength is total internal federalism – political and economical. A total states reorganization and revision in constitution is required.



3.Some of the key elements of the new constitution should be: Reorganisation of states b based on : i. Culture in its widest sense, ecology in its widest sense. ii. Inversion of power pyramid: citizen and gram sabha to be sovereign – power devolved from bottom upward. iii. Right to information (extreme transparency of state at all levels), right to work, earn a decent livelihood and enjoy it; right to rest, recreation and health services – all these are to be constitutionally enforceable fundamental rights. Right to education also becomes a fundamental duty.

4.Economy to be restructured in such a way that local bodies are more powerful than state or centre. The role of people’s representatives to be totally changed. They are not sent as fighters but as administrators, which may involve fighting of a different kind.

5.Income differentials to be willfully brought down, partly to fight consumerist culture, partly to enforce justice.

6.The entire macro economic system to be restructured The absolute wastage and criminality of stock exchange to be done away with. There is nothing more absurd than a stock exchange.

3,新宪法的一些关键要素包括:宪法改编应基于以下原则:(1)文化是广义的文化,生态是广义的生态。 (2)权力金字塔的倒置:公 民是至高无上的—权利由下而上。 (3)信息权(尤其是国家各级信息的透明度),工作权,获得体面的工作并享受其中,休息,娱乐以及服务的权利--所有的这些权力均应是宪法实施的基本权力。教育权也成为了一项基本义务。




7.Humans, materials, machine s an information form the basis of any production. Money, shares, bills, capital market etc. etc. are only artifacts to facilitate the evening out unevenness in natural resource distributions, e use distribution and time of use. Unfortunately instead of evening out it has lead to further skewing further unevenness.

8.Capital requirements in lakhs, corers, hundreds of crores, can be met through a well orchestrated system of saving groups, Grameen Banks, district and state cooperative banks. Banks are not there to ply “poker”.

9.It is time to break away from the fetters of classical theories! The concept of classes and class relations valid yesterday are not valid today, valid “there” are not valid “here”. We should know our soil and our seeds. Rains or lack of rain may be global meteorological phenomenon. But just like in agriculture, in economies too we can provide for them.

10.India is a large market. We can produce ALL THE BEST things in the world – for ALL our people. Still we cannot have either arithmetically or exponentially expanding production an ininitum.

11.Very large scale organized production where INFORMATION AND MACHINES control men and Markets will necessarily create classes – even under centralized planning socialism – new class. They are inherently violent an hostile to the majority, to the poorer. Ganhiji I correct still.






12.You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make it drink. You can manufacture any fancy thing but people can decide not to buy them. Non-cooperation is till, a poweul weapon.

13.Wisdom cannot prevail without needs having satisfied – but wisdom is live knowledge, active philosophy which helps one to distinguish between needs and greeds.

14.Anything that EVERYBOY CANNOT have, comes theoretically under the category of greed.

15.Let us study and understand the presently satisfied needs of Indian people. (Currently let us assume that pagers, cellular telephones and imported cars are needs of a section of he people.).

-What are the goods and services available and enjoyed by every person – 100% - young and old, poor and rich, man and woman, country dweller and city dweller – literally everybody. -What are the goods and services available only to less than 90% of the population, less than 70% population etc. -Make a rigorous study.

16.Can we list out all the goods and services which are currently not available an will not be available in any near future to more than 50% of the population.

17.Can we and shouldn’t we have an economic policy which is geared to ensure the satisfaction of needs and suppression of greeds defined in the above manner or some other way.





-什么样的物品和服务是所有人,年轻人或老人,贫困或富有,男人或女人,农村居民或城市居民需求并可享受的。 -什么样的物品和服务是90%人口需要的,少于70%等等。 -做一个严谨的研究



18.There is a historical tendency of globalization through revolution in technology especially transportation of information and material goods. In a way the whole world is becoming a literal village. How can this be reconciled with a highly decentralize economy. A model for a single world order, world government of UN which is not a superpower because of military strength, but is he sum - total of informed consensus of thousands and thousands of local economics, middle level economics and semi macro economics.

19.States cannot wither away – never. They are to be reconstituted – into a well harmonized natural orchestra – but again without the director. This is a major contradiction, individual and collective – but human race evolved and prospered only because it could consciously understand this contradiction and act on it. In future also it has to do the same.

18,技术改革尤其是信息和材料运输中存在一个全球化历史趋势。一方面,世界正成 为一个字面意义上的小村庄。在高度分散的经济面前,又将如何实现呢?一个简单世界秩序模型:联合国世界政府由于其军事力量不是一个超级大国,但是他却取得了成千上万地方经济,中层经济以及半宏观经济的一致认可。



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